.. _`queue-policies`: =============================== Compute Platform Queue Policies =============================== .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. _`queue-policies-general`: General Queue ------------- Details ~~~~~~~ - The general queue runs batch jobs much like the traditional HPC setting. They run in the background in the queue system. - The general queue also makes use of cache system, which you can learn more about :ref:`here. ` - Jobs in the general queue can run for up to 28 days. Policies ~~~~~~~~ - The general queue falls under the fair use policy found :ref:`here. ` - The general queue is for running jobs with large amounts of resource requirements. - The general queue is for running large numbers of jobs, especially the same analysis on multiple samples. - The general queue is NOT for GUI related software or interactive sessions. .. _`queue-policies-general-interactive`: General Interactive Queue ------------------------- Details ~~~~~~~ - The general-interactive queue runs jobs interactively so that you can interact directly with them or watch a job. - The general-interactive queue does not use the cache system and instead interfaces with the Storage Platform directly. - Jobs in the general-interactive queue can run for up to 24 hours. Policies ~~~~~~~~ - The general-interactive queue falls under the fair use policy found :ref:`here. ` - The general-interactive queue is for running interactive jobs. - The general-interactive queue is for GUI related software. - The general-interactive queue is for software and script development. - The general-interactive queue is NOT for jobs that require large amounts of resource requirements. - The general-interactive queue is NOT for multiple jobs running the same analysis on multiple samples. .. _`queue-policies-subscription`: Subscription Queue ------------------ Details ~~~~~~~ - A subscription tier is associated with a number of resources that are guaranteed for use based on the tier. - There are currently three subscription tiers. - Tier 1 Resources - 25 vCPUs - 1 GPU - Tier 2 Resources - 50 vCPUs - 2 GPU - Tier 3 Resources - 100 vCPUs - 3 GPU - If you go over on the number of guaranteed vCPUs for a job submitted in this queue type, your job will not be guaranteed to run. - If you go over on the number of guaranteed GPUs for a job submitted in this queue type, the job will stay in pending and never run. - The ``-sla`` option is required for jobs submitted in this queue type. Policies ~~~~~~~~ - The subscription queue falls under the general user agreement found :ref:`here. ` - Usage policies are relegated by the owner of the subscription and is monitored by them. .. _`queue-policies-condo`: Condo Queue ----------- Details ~~~~~~~ - A condo queue is a queue associated with a purchased condo. - More information about condos can be found here: https://ris.wustl.edu/services/compute/compute-condo/ - The resources available in this queue are dependent on physical resources purchased as part of the condo. Policies ~~~~~~~~ - The condo queue falls under the general user agreement found :ref:`here. ` - Usage policies are relegated by the owner of the condo and is monitored by them.