.. _`ris-installed-applications`: ========================== RIS-Installed Applications ========================== This page contains a list of applications installed to persistent storage and accessed via Docker containers. These can be run on the command line and :ref:`Open OnDemand ` for those who want visualization using :ref:`THPC `. Applications marked with an asterisk, while installed by RIS, are community-owned and may require separate licensing. Instructions for accessing these can be found in the `Engineering Modules `_ documentation. To request an application not seen here, reach out to the `RIS Service Desk `_. .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: A - - abaqus * - Anaconda3 - ant - at-spi2-atk - at-spi2-core - ATK - Autoconf - Automake - Autotools B - - binutils - Bison - BLIS - Boost - Brotli - bzip2 C - - cadence * - cairo - CGAL - Clang - CMake - comsol * - Coot - cuda - CUDA - cuDNN - cURL D - - DB - Dbeaver - DBus - double-conversion - Doxygen E - - Eigen - elfutils - expat F - - FFmpeg - ffnvcodec - FFTW - FFTW.MPI - Firefox - FLAC - flex - FlexiBLAS - FLTK - fontconfig - foss - freetype - FriBidi - fuse2 - fuse3 G - - gawk - GCC - GCCcore - GDAL - Gdk-Pixbuf - GDRCopy - GEOS - gettext - Ghostscript - git - GLib - GLPK - GMP - gnuplot - GObject-Introspection - gompi - googletest - gperf - graphite2 - groff - GSL - GTK+ - GTK2 - gzip H - - HarfBuzz - HDF - HDF5 - help2man - hwloc - hypothesis I - - ICU - IGV - iimpi - ImageMagick - imkl - imkl-FFTW - impi - InstantClient - intel - intel-compilers - intltool J - - JasPer - Java - jbigkit - Julia K - - keysight * - ksh L - - LAME - libarchive - libcerf - libdeflate - libdrm - libepoxy - libevent - libfabric - libffi - libgd - libgeotiff - libgit2 - libGLU - libglvnd - libiconv - libjpeg-turbo - libogg - libopus - libpciaccess - libpng - libsndfile - LibTIFF - libtirpc - libtool - libunwind - libvorbis - libxml2 - libxslt - LittleCMS - LLVM - lmod - Lua - lz4 M - - M4 - make - makeinfo - Mako - MATLAB - Mesa - Meson - METIS - Miniconda3 - mosh - MPFR N - - NASM - NCCL - ncurses - netCDF - nettle - Ninja - nlohmann_json - NLopt - nodejs - NSPR - NSS - numactl O - - OpenBLAS - OpenFOAM - OpenJPEG - OpenMPI - OpenSSL P - - Pango - parallel-tar - ParaView - PCRE - PCRE2 - Perl - Perl-bundle-CPAN - pixman - pkg-config - pkgconf - PMIx - PostgreSQL - PROJ - pybind11 - Python Q - - Qt5 R - - R - re2c - RELION - RStudio-Server - rsync - Ruby - Rust S - - SAMtools - SAS - ScaLAPACK - SciPy-bundle - SCOTCH - settarg - snappy - SOCI - SQLite - Stata - Szip T - - tbb - Tcl - tcsh - Tk U - - UCC - UCX - UCX-CUDA - UDUNITS - UnZip - util-linux V - - Vim - vscode - VSCode W - X - - X11 - x264 - x265 - xilinx * - xorg-macros - xprop - Xvfb - XZ Y - - yaml-cpp - Yasm Z - - Z3 - zlib - zsh - zstd