.. _`slurm-to-lsf`: =============================== Transitioning from slurm to LSF =============================== .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: Overview -------- - This page discusses the similarities between slurm and the LSF system when it comes to managing and submitting jobs. - This page won't cover everything about LSF but is designed to be a stepping stone to go from when transitioning to the Compute Platform. Comparible Commands ------------------- - The following list is slurm commands and their equivalent within LSF. - ``sbatch`` - ``bsub`` - ``squeue`` - ``bjobs`` - ``scancel`` - ``bkill`` - ``sinfo`` - ``bhosts`` - More information about job commands can be found :ref:`in our job execution examples documentation `. Job Scripts ----------- - Most of the documentation and use of the Compute Platform assumes submitting jobs directly with ``bsub``. - Jobs can also be submitted via job scripts just like in slurm. - An example slurm job script might look like the following. .. code:: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=jobname #SBATCH --output=results.txt #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --time=10:00 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=100 commands - While an example job script in LSF would look like the following. .. code:: #!/bin/bash #BSUB -n 1 #BSUB -q submission_queue #BSUB -G my_group #BSUB -M 8000000 #BSUB -oo ${HOME}/path/to/log_file #BSUB -a 'docker(container_name:container_tag)' commands - Users can create job scripts just like they would for slurm. - The ``-a`` option must be included to specify which Docker image the job is using. - Unlike a more traditional HPC system the Compute Platform makes use of Docker images instead of modules. - You can read more about Docker and it's association with the Compute Platform at the following links. - :ref:`Docker and the RIS Compute Service ` - :ref:`Docker Basics: Building, Tagging, & Pushing A Custom Docker Image ` - :ref:`RIS Docker Workshop ` - You can submit a job script in LSF using the following command. .. code:: bsub < job_example.bsub