.. _`alphafold-quickstart`: ===================== AlphaFold Quickstart ===================== .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. admonition:: Compute Resources - Have questions or need help with compute, including activation or issues? Follow `this link. `__ - :ref:`User Agreement ` .. admonition:: Docker Usage - The information contained on this page assumes that you have a knowledge base of using Docker to create images and push them to a repository for use. If you need to review that information, please see the links below. - :ref:`Docker and the RIS Compute Service ` - :ref:`Docker Basics: Building, Tagging, & Pushing A Custom Docker Image ` Software Included ----------------- - AlphaFold v2.2.0 (https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold) Getting Started --------------- - Connect to compute client. .. code:: ssh wustlkey@compute1-client-1.ris.wustl.edu - Prepare the computing environment before submitting an AlphaFold job. .. code:: # Set the AlphaFold base directory export ALPHAFOLD_BASE_DIR=/app/alphafold # Use the scratch file system for temp space export SCRATCH1=/scratch1/fs1/${COMPUTE_ALLOCATION} # Use your Active storage for input and output data export STORAGE1=/storage1/fs1/${STORAGE_ALLOCATION}/Active # Mount scratch, Active storage, home directory and AlphaFold database reference files export LSF_DOCKER_VOLUMES="/scratch1/fs1/ris/references/alphafold_db:/scratch1/fs1/ris/references/alphafold_db $SCRATCH1:$SCRATCH1 $STORAGE1:$STORAGE1 $HOME:$HOME" # Update $PATH with folders containing AlphaFold, CUDA, and conda executables export PATH="/usr/local/cuda/bin/:/opt/conda/bin:/app/alphafold:$PATH" # Use the debug flag when trying to figure out why your job failed to launch on the cluster #export LSF_DOCKER_RUN_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG - The following run example implements AlphaFold's suggested system requirements for database preset ``reduced_dbs``. .. code:: bsub -q general -n 8 -M 8GB -R "gpuhost rusage[mem=8GB] span[hosts=1]" -gpu 'num=1' -a "docker(gcr.io/ris-registry-shared/alphafold:2.2.0)" python3 /app/alphafold/run_alphafold.py --output_dir /path/to/output/folder --model_preset monomer --fasta_paths /path/to/input/protein_sequence.fa --max_template_date 2021-08-18 --db_preset reduced_dbs - AlphaFold can run by default on both V100 and A100 GPU architectures. Modify the ``-gpu`` argument to specify the GPU architecture. .. code:: -gpu 'num=1:gmodel=' - A list of GPU models can be found :ref:`here `. - Jobs can be managed using :ref:`job groups `. Job groups are a way to submit a large number of jobs at once. Additional Information ---------------------- Please refer to official `AlphaFold documentation `__ for direction on setting up run options, expected output, example runs, etc. Earlier Versions ---------------- Earlier versions are still available but no longer directly supported by RIS. Please refer to the latest version for direct support. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 deprecated-tools/alphafold-deprecated-quickstart