.. _`intel-oneapi-tutorial`: ============================= Intel® Compiler Base Tutorial ============================= .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. admonition:: Compute Resources - Have questions or need help with compute, including activation or issues? Follow `this link. `__ - :ref:`User Agreement ` .. _`intel-oneapi-tutorial-docker`: .. admonition:: Docker Usage - The information on this page assumes that you have a knowledge base of using Docker to create images and push them to a repository for use. If you need to review that information, please see the links below. - :ref:`Docker and the RIS Compute Service ` - :ref:`Docker Basics: Building, Tagging, & Pushing A Custom Docker Image ` Overview -------- The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate usage of the Intel® Compiler Base image for use on the Scientific Compute Platform. Please refer to :ref:`this page ` for more information on the Intel® Compiler Base image. In this tutorial, we will be compiling a sample MPI-enabled ``Hello World`` program. The tutorial uses material from `this page `__. Requirements ------------ - Docker Desktop (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop) - Free Docker Hub Account (https://hub.docker.com) Multi-Stage Build ----------------- This section of the tutorial will demonstrate how to build a multi-stage Docker image for use on the Scientific Compute Platform. An MPI-enabled ``Hello World`` program is compiled using the Intel® Compiler Base image. MPI Hello World Code Example ############################ Below is sample code for a simple MPI-enabled ``Hello World`` program. .. code:: #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize the MPI environment MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); // Get the number of processes int world_size; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size); // Get the rank of the process int world_rank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank); // Get the name of the processor char processor_name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; int name_len; MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &name_len); // Print off a hello world message printf("Hello world from processor %s, rank %d out of %d processors\n", processor_name, world_rank, world_size); // Finalize the MPI environment. MPI_Finalize(); } Dockerfile for a Multi-Stage Build ################################## Using your favorite text editor, save the above code to a file called ``mpi_hello_world.c``. In the same folder as the ``mpi_hello_world.c`` file, create a file called ``Dockerfile``. Add the following lines of code to the ``Dockerfile`` file: .. code:: # Begin Stage 1 with the base compiler image. FROM ghcr.io/washu-it-ris/compiler-base:oneapi2021.1.1_centos7 as build # Additional dependencies for the Intel® MPI C compiler RUN yum install -y gcc-c++ # Change working directory WORKDIR /opt/mpi_hello_world/src/ # Copy the source code to the working directory COPY mpi_hello_world.c . # Copy source code to a new location inside the container. RUN cd /opt/mpi_hello_world/src/ && \ . /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh && \ mpiicc -o mpi_hello_world mpi_hello_world.c && \ cp -f mpi_hello_world /usr/local/bin # Begin Stage 2 with a new base image. FROM centos:7.9.2009 as runtime # Copy only the needed parts of Stage 1. COPY --from=build /usr/local/bin/mpi_hello_world /usr/local/bin # Add any additional runtime dependencies here RUN yum install -y wget perl numactl-libs \ gtk2 atk cairo gcc-gfortran tcsh libnl3 \ libmnl tcl tk \ libusbx pciutils-libs pciutils lsof ethtool fuse-libs # Set up MLNX_OFED driver. ENV MOFED_VERSION 5.8- ENV OS_VERSION rhel7.9 ENV PLATFORM x86_64 RUN wget -q http://content.mellanox.com/ofed/MLNX_OFED-${MOFED_VERSION}/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ tar -xvf MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}/mlnxofedinstall --user-space-only --without-fw-update -q --distro ${OS_VERSION} && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf ${MOFED_DIR} && \ rm -rf *.tgz Building and Pushing the Docker Image ##################################### Please see :ref:`this section ` for more information on building and pushing the Docker image to Docker Hub. Interactive Command-Line Session -------------------------------- Job Submission ############## The following command can be used to submit an interactive command-line job to run the MPI-enabled ``Hello World`` program. Make sure to replace ``docker/image`` with the name of the Docker image you created. .. code:: LSF_DOCKER_VOLUMES="/scratch1/fs1/ris/application/intel/oneapi/:/opt/intel/oneapi" LSF_DOCKER_NETWORK=host LSF_DOCKER_IPC=host bsub -n 20 -Is -q general-interactive -R "affinity[core(1):distribute=pack] span[ptile=4]" -a "docker(docker/image)" /bin/bash The job submission command uses environment variables required for parallel computing on RIS. The job submission is also requesting 20 vCPUs spread across 5 exec nodes. Please see the :ref:`parallel computing documentation ` for more information. Running the MPI-enabled ``Hello World`` program ############################################### Run the MPI-enabled ``Hello World`` program using 20 vCPUs with the following command: .. code:: mpirun -np 20 /usr/local/bin/mpi_hello_world The following output should be displayed after the image has finished downloading on all exec nodes: .. code:: Hello world from processor compute1-exec-98.ris.wustl.edu, rank 12 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-98.ris.wustl.edu, rank 13 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-98.ris.wustl.edu, rank 14 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-98.ris.wustl.edu, rank 15 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-6.ris.wustl.edu, rank 5 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-6.ris.wustl.edu, rank 6 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-6.ris.wustl.edu, rank 4 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-6.ris.wustl.edu, rank 7 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-5.ris.wustl.edu, rank 1 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-218.ris.wustl.edu, rank 8 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-218.ris.wustl.edu, rank 9 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-5.ris.wustl.edu, rank 3 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-218.ris.wustl.edu, rank 10 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-5.ris.wustl.edu, rank 0 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-218.ris.wustl.edu, rank 11 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-5.ris.wustl.edu, rank 2 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-217.ris.wustl.edu, rank 19 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-217.ris.wustl.edu, rank 16 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-217.ris.wustl.edu, rank 17 out of 20 processors Hello world from processor compute1-exec-217.ris.wustl.edu, rank 18 out of 20 processors Single-Stage Build ------------------ Should you require a single-stage build, the following Dockerfile can be used. Please be aware that this method results in a larger Docker image which may cause increased computing time/resources/cost. This method also caches the source code in build layers resulting in public exposure, which may be unwanted. When possible, it is advised to use the multi-stage build method. .. code:: # Begin with the base compiler image. FROM ghcr.io/washu-it-ris/compiler-base:oneapi2021.1.1_centos7 as build # Additional dependencies for the Intel® MPI C compiler and MLNX RUN yum install -y gcc-c++ wget perl numactl-libs \ gtk2 atk cairo gcc-gfortran tcsh libnl3 \ libmnl tcl tk \ libusbx pciutils-libs pciutils lsof ethtool fuse-libs # Change working directory WORKDIR /opt/mpi_hello_world/src/ # Copy the source code to the working directory COPY mpi_hello_world.c . # Copy source code to a new location inside the container. RUN cd /opt/mpi_hello_world/src/ && \ . /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh && \ mpiicc -o mpi_hello_world mpi_hello_world.c && \ cp -f mpi_hello_world /usr/local/bin # Set up MLNX_OFED driver. ENV MOFED_VERSION 5.8- ENV OS_VERSION rhel7.9 ENV PLATFORM x86_64 RUN wget -q http://content.mellanox.com/ofed/MLNX_OFED-${MOFED_VERSION}/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ tar -xvf MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}/mlnxofedinstall --user-space-only --without-fw-update -q --distro ${OS_VERSION} && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf ${MOFED_DIR} && \ rm -rf *.tgz