.. _`local-vnc-viewer`: ################ Local VNC Viewer ################ - This guide provides a step-by-step instructions on how you can connect to RIS compute serivces through local PC/Laptop through GUI. - This guide details step-by-step instructions on connecting to RIS compute services via VNC GUI through a local Linux/MacOS computer. Windows platform is currently not supported. .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: ============== Pre-requisites ============== Connecting to WashU Network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - If you are off campus, you will need to use a VPN to access compute1. - Instructions for accessing the WashU VPNs can be found `here. `_ - If you run into issues using the VPN, you will need to follow the directions in the previous link to contact WashU IT proper. Compute/Storage Allocation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - User must have a compute/storage allocation. - If you do not have one, You can request `here. `_. Install TurboVNC Viewer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Install `TurboVNC Viewer `_ on the local computer - On MacOS, run: .. code:: brew install --cask turbovnc-viewer - Validate that installation is successful. There should be an application under Finder -> Applications. - Install `expect `_, on local computer run: .. code:: brew install expect - Validate that installation is successful.; run: .. code:: which expect /usr/bin/expect ## output - (Optional) Add vncviewer in the PATH variable, Open Terminal then run: .. code:: echo 'export PATH="/opt/TurboVNC/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc source ~/.zshrc Add SSH Private-Public Key Pair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - If you do not have SSH private-public key pair already setup. Please refer our guide `here `_ ======================== Connecting through NoVNC ======================== - User should be either connected to campus network or WUSTL VPN. - Download `LaunchDesktop.zip `_ to a desired location, preferably, on the Desktop. (note: WUSTL login required) - Unzip LaunchDesktop.zip or just double-click on the zip file. - This will output an executable file **LaunchDesktop**. .. image:: ../images/novnc-launch-remote-desktop.png - Now open the **LaunchDesktop** file with any text editor and enter your wustl key in the first line as below example: .. code:: # Set a WUSTL key set WUSTLKEY "WUSTL_KEY" - Double-click the executable. It will open a terminal session, connect to RIS platform, submits a job and output a command to connect VNC viewer. (Refer example screenshot below) .. image:: ../images/novnc-successful-login.png - Now, copy the command that starts with **/opt/TurboVNC/...** in another instance of terminal and run it. .. image:: ../images/novnc-start-vnc-viewer.png - You shall be able to now access desktop GUI on the compute node. .. image:: ../images/novnc-final-desktop.png .. admonition:: Compute Resources - See the `RIS Service Desk `_ for additional assistance.