.. _`novnc-dockerimage`: ================== noVNC Docker Image ================== .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: .. admonition:: Compute Resources - See the `RIS Service Desk `_ for additional assistance. - :ref:`User Agreement ` .. admonition:: Docker Usage - The information contained on this page assumes that you have a knowledge base of using Docker to create images and push them to a repository for use. If you need to review that information, please see the links below. - :ref:`Docker and the RIS Compute Service ` - :ref:`Docker Basics: Building, Tagging, & Pushing A Custom Docker Image ` .. _`novnc-dockerimage-software`: Image Details ------------- - Docker image hosted at ghcr.io/washu-it-ris/novnc - Fluxbox (http://www.fluxbox.org/) - noNVC (https://kanaka.github.io/noVNC/) - supervisord (http://supervisord.org) - turboVNC (https://turbovnc.org/) - websockify (https://github.com/novnc/websockify) - x11vnc (http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/) - xterm (http://invisible-island.net/xterm/) - Xvfb (http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/man/man1/Xvfb.1.xhtml) Interactive GUI --------------- The :ref:`RIS Open OnDemand ` interface is the recommended way to run an application needing an interactive GUI. The :ref:`Open OnDemand: Interactive Apps ` page allows users to start various applications from basic templated forms. For all other applicationsm the `Custom noVNC Image` form is recommended. .. _`novnc-dockerimage-extend`: Extending the noVNC Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RIS noVNC image can be extended for use on compute1 and the :ref:`RIS Open OnDemand ` interface. .. code:: FROM ghcr.io/washu-it-ris/novnc:ubuntu20.04 RUN apt-get update && / apt-get install -y bison .. _`novnc-dockerimage-lsf-run`: Run on Compute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Interactions GUI sessions are done via the ``Custom noVNC Image`` application in Open On Demand (OOD). - You can find out more about OOD here: :ref:`Compute Quick Start `. - There are two fields beyond the basics that will need information specific to this image. - Environment Variables - Docker Image Environment Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This information should be space separated in the field. .. code:: PASSWORD=password - Optional variables - GUI display size. This can be changed with the following variables. - Width default: 1024 - Height default: 768 .. code:: DISPLAY_WIDTH= DISPLAY_HEIGHT= Docker Image ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ghcr.io/washu-it-ris/novnc: - Fill out the rest of the fields with the appropriate information (explained in the quick start). - Launch the job through the methods described in the quick start. .. _`novnc-versions`: Available Versions ------------------ Current Version: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ghcr.io/washu-it-ris/novnc - ubuntu22.04 - ubuntu20.04_cuda11.0_xfce - ubuntu20.04_cuda11.6_xfce Earlier Versions: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Earlier versions are still available but no longer directly supported by RIS. Please refer to the latest version for direct support. - ghcr.io/washu-it-ris/novnc - ubuntu20.04_xfce - ubuntu20.04_cuda11.6 - ubuntu20.04_cuda11.0 - ubuntu20.04 - gcr.io/ris-registry-shared/novnc - latest, ubuntu_cuda, ubuntu20.04_cuda11.0 - ubuntu, ubuntu20.04 - desktop_ood - desktop_ood_cuda - ubuntu18.04_cuda10.1 - ubuntu18.04_cuda11.6 - centos7 - centos7_cuda10.1 - centos7_cuda11.6