.. _`ofed-tutorial`: =========================== Using OFED in Docker Images =========================== .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. admonition:: Compute Resources - Have questions or need help with compute, including activation or issues? Follow `this link. `__ - :ref:`User Agreement ` .. admonition:: Docker Usage - The information on this page assumes that you have a knowledge base of using Docker to create images and push them to a repository for use. If you need to review that information, please see the links below. - :ref:`Docker and the RIS Compute Service ` - :ref:`Docker Basics: Building, Tagging, & Pushing A Custom Docker Image ` Overview -------- This documentation will guide you on making sure you're using the most appropriate OFED version for your Docker image in regards to the Scientific Compute Platform. Installing the Correct Version ------------------------------ Shown below is an example of OFED 5.4 driver Dockerfile instructions for RedHat 7.7. .. code:: ENV MOFED_VERSION 5.4- ENV OS_VERSION rhel7.7 ENV PLATFORM x86_64 RUN cd /tmp/ && yum install -y pciutils numactl-libs gtk2 atk cairo gcc-gfortran tcsh lsof libnl3 libmnl ethtool tcl tk perl make libusbx fuse-libs && \ wget -q http://content.mellanox.com/ofed/MLNX_OFED-${MOFED_VERSION}/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ tar -xvf MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}/mlnxofedinstall --user-space-only --without-fw-update -q --distro rhel7.7 && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf ${MOFED_DIR} && \ rm -rf *.tgz && \ yum clean all This also pertains to the Ubuntu with different code snippets but same version of MOFED_VERSION 5.4- .. code:: ENV MOFED_VERSION 5.4- ENV OS_VERSION ubuntu20.04 ENV PLATFORM x86_64 RUN cd /tmp/ && apt-get update && \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends pciutils numactl-libs gtk2 atk cairo gcc-gfortran tcsh lsof libnl3 libmnl ethtool tcl tk perl make libusbx fuse-libs && \ wget -q http://content.mellanox.com/ofed/MLNX_OFED-${MOFED_VERSION}/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ tar -xvf MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tgz && \ MLNX_OFED_LINUX-${MOFED_VERSION}-${OS_VERSION}-${PLATFORM}/mlnxofedinstall --user-space-only --without-fw-update -q --distro ubuntu20.04 && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf ${MOFED_DIR} && \ rm -rf *.tgz && \ apt-get clean Once you have the correct OFED version installation code in your Dockerfile, you can build and push the image as you normally would. Testing Your Image ------------------ Shown below are the steps to run a test job. - Create a bsub file called test.bsub as shown below. Please replace with your Docker image tag and . .. code:: #BSUB -q subscription #BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]" #BSUB -a "docker()" #BSUB -G compute-ris #BSUB -oo lsf-%J.log mpirun -np $NP - Run your test. Shown below is an example command. Please replace with number of exec nodes to run the test. .. code:: export NP= && \ LSF_DOCKER_NETWORK=host \ LSF_DOCKER_IPC=host \ LSF_DOCKER_SHM_SIZE=20G \ bsub -n $NP < test.bsub - There is a test script in https://github.com/WashU-IT-RIS/docker-osu-micro-benchmarks.git. Shown below are the instructions for OSU Benchmark test. - Clone the repository. .. code:: git clone https://github.com/WashU-IT-RIS/docker-osu-micro-benchmarks.git - Change directory to docker-osu-mirco-benchmarks. .. code:: cd docker-osu-mirco-benchmarks - Run an OSU Benchmark test. - Replace with an OSU test that you want to run. For example, osu_bw for OSU bandwidth test. - Replace with the compute group you are a member of. .. code:: QUEUE=subscription bin/osu-test.sh -G Docker Images Identified That Utilize OFED ------------------------------------------ If a Docker image you use appears here, you will likely need to update your image. .. list-table:: Current as of 6/10/22 :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Docker Image - OFED Version * - gcr.io/ris-registry-shared/base-terminal - 4.7- * - gcr.io/ris-registry-shared/base-terminal:latest - 4.7- * - gcr.io/ris-registry-shared/base-x - 4.7- * - gcr.io/ris-registry-shared/base-x-cuda - 4.7- * - ruikang/api_wrf - 4.9- * - ruikang/api_wrf:latest - 4.9- * - us.gcr.io/ris-appeng-shared-dev/bayly-nli:centos7 - 4.9- * - us.gcr.io/ris-appeng-shared-dev/compiler-base:oneapi2021.1.1_centos7 - 4.9-