.. _`ris-fall-2021-seminars`: =================================== RIS Compute Seminars from Fall 2021 =================================== .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: RIS Software Development ------------------------ This workshop demonstrates how to use the RIS Scientific Compute Platform for software development using Perl as an example and covers the following: - An introduction to using the RIS Compute Platform for software development. - An example of creating a development environment and versioning software. - Software development best practices. Workshop recording available here: https://wustl.box.com/s/rik65po66vyvy9wla8r26lpmgwwwxdps Workshop materials available :ref:`here. ` GPU Computing on RIS with Jupyter --------------------------------- This workshop introduces RIS Scientific Compute users to leveraging RIS compute and GPUs and covers the following: - Submitting a job to a GPU host. - Using the RAPIDS AI GPU-accelerated Docker container. - Running a Random Forest classification task. Workshop recording and materials available here: https://wustl.box.com/s/rznh4l5jexq5ra6f4lq7zxmc4qgvur0r The Unix Shell and Command Line Basics -------------------------------------- This workshop introduces the Unix command line interface, the Unix file system, and the basics of Unix commands. Users will learn to write and run basic Unix commands to create, explore and manage folders and files. Workshop recording and materials available here: https://wustl.box.com/s/qkaf2jzv6ubq1ky40nnfz442bos8ehbz Software Applications Needed to Work in HPC Environments -------------------------------------------------------- This workshop introduces text editors, shell and batch scripts, Docker container technology, and the SSH protocol. Users will learn how to write, edit and run shell scripts, how to create a simple Docker container, and how to connect to the RIS Scientific Compute Platform. Workshop recording and materials available here: https://wustl.box.com/s/815rmreevs7lppujeg8ufqyciy3qvly8 Basics of Submitting Job tasks to the RIS Scientific Compute Platform --------------------------------------------------------------------- This workshop introduces basic commands for submitting jobs on the RIS Scientific Compute Platform. Users will learn how to submit interactive jobs using Docker. Workshop recording and materials available here: https://wustl.box.com/s/6jw0pqmzy71p2hjg8fbs9o84317tueuv Single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis using R ------------------------------------------------ This virtual workshop is offered in collaboration with WUIT’s Research Infrastructure Services (RIS) and the Institute for Informatics. The workshop will provide an introduction to using the RIS Scientific Compute Platform and R for scRNA-seq data analysis. Attendees will learn via live demonstrations how to submit scRNA-Seq data analysis tasks and explore the data using R packages. Workshop recording and materials available here: https://wustl.box.com/s/1snt3cu4kp6lr8zs7xc42tnzjltnlq80