.. _`ris-github-enterprise`: RIS Github Enterprise ===================== RIS offers a Github Enterprise for WashU researchers to utilize for development management. - Requests can be made for a new Github Enterprise Organization, or request the move of an existing organization through the RIS Service Desk. - Request Provisioning or Migration of GitHub Organization Request New Organization ------------------------ - Go to the Service Desk and click on Research Applications and Services. - Click on Request Provisioning or Migration of GitHub Organization. - Required Information: - Organization name - Email address for at least 2 organization owners Request Organization Migration ------------------------------ - Go to the Service Desk and click on Research Applications and Services. - Click on Request Provisioning or Migration of GitHub Organization. - Required Information: - Existing organization name of which the requester is an owner. .. admonition:: Note - Per GitHub, "Once approved, the organization's ownership and billing will be transferred to Washington University in St. Louis's enterprise account." - GitHub is not approved for confidential, HIPAA, or any protected information.