.. _`ris-gsutil`: ================================================================== Moving Data From Google Storage to Storage1 via gsutil on Compute1 ================================================================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 What is this Documentation? --------------------------- This documentation will cover doing file transfers with gsutil over our dedicated fiber interconnect in order to download data from sources that use Google storage. Quick Start ----------- 1. Login to the Compute platform ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ssh wustlkey@compute1-client-1.ris.wustl.edu 2. Set up Google Account variable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: export GOOGLE_ACCOUNT=wustlkey@wustl.edu .. admonition :: Account Information - This is the account that has been granted access to the data by the data owner. - This is not necessarily just an email address. 3. Login with gcloud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: gcloud auth login $GOOGLE_ACCOUNT - Follow the URL that you are given. .. image:: images/gsutil/gcloud.auth.login.png - It will ask your to sign into Google Cloud SDK. Use the email granted permission by the data owner here, e.g. wustlkey@wustl.edu. .. image:: images/gsutil/gcloud.website.login.png - This will take you to a WashU authentication page if it's your WashU email. Put in your information for the WashU sign in you normally would. .. image:: images/gsutil/washu.website.login.png - It will then ask for access to your account, click Allow. .. image:: images/gsutil/gcloud.access.png - It will give you a code, you will need to paste this code back into the terminal you are working in. .. image:: images/gsutil/gcloud.auth.code.png .. image:: images/gsutil/gcloud.enter.code.png - You can confirm this worked with the following command. ..code:: gcloud auth list .. image:: images/gsutil/gcloud.auth.list.png .. admonition :: Multiple Accounts - If this account is the only account listed, it will by default be the "active" one. - If there are multiple accounts, you can use the following to set the one being used active. .. code:: gcloud config set account $GOOGLE_ACCOUNT 4. Transferring the Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Set the following variables needed for the transfer. .. code:: export GOOGLE_STORAGE_PATH=gs://path/from/data/provider export DESTINATION_DIR=/storage1/fs1/${STORAGE_ALLOCATION}/Active/path/to/directory .. admonition :: //path/from/data/provider //path/from/data/provider is the location of the data on Google Storage, as provided by the group sharing the data. - You will need to set the following variables .. code:: export LSB_JOB_REPORT_MAIL=N export LSF_DOCKER_VOLUMES="/storage1/fs1/${STORAGE_ALLOCATION}/Active/path/to/directory:/data" export LSF_DOCKER_ADD_HOST=storage.googleapis.com: - You need to launch a bsub job to use google cloud tools .. code:: bsub -Is -q general-interactive -a 'docker(google/cloud-sdk)' /bin/bash .. admonition :: You are a member of multiple LSF User Groups If you are a member of more than one compute group, you will be prompted to specify an LSF User Group with -G group_name or by setting the LSB_SUB_USER_GROUP variable. - The following command will run a trial of the transfer to make sure it works. .. code:: gsutil rsync -r -n $GOOGLE_STORAGE_PATH /data/ - Once the test is complete and there are no issues, run the transfer by removing the -n option. .. code:: gsutil rsync -r $GOOGLE_STORAGE_PATH /data/ - If there are problems or the transfer locks up, you can safely restart the transfer without losing progress as it will continue from where it was stopped just like normal rsync. - If you are transferring a large number of small files, using parallel transfers may work better. - The following command will run a transfer in parallel. .. code:: gsutil -m -o GSUtil:parallel_composite_upload_threshold=150M -o GSUtil:parallel_thread_count=16 rsync -r $GOOGLE_STORAGE_PATH /data/ .. admonition :: Warning Using the parallel option is done so with the knowledge that it can be error prone.